• I’m using WordPress 1.5, and I’d love to be able to change some of the fundamental parts of a given theme, such as the background color of any part of a page, but *especially* I’d love to insert or remove images into my main page header. Some themes I’d love to use if I could remove the accompanying photo or if I could insert my own. But I can’t figure it out. This whole PHP thing has got me bollixed; I’ve maintained pretty complicated websites with Dreamweaver, but this — ai yi.

    Can anyone help me with this fairly obvious and probably somewhat dopey issue?



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  • Inserting a header image in Batavia isn’t too hard and can be done by editing the styles.css file in the “wp-content/themes/Batavia/” folder.

    First – design your image to be 760px wide by 108px tall and ftp it to your “wp-content/themes/Batavia/” folder.

    Second – open the styles.css file (in the “wp-content/themes/Batavia/” folder) in an editor and find this:
    #header {
    margin: auto;
    WIDTH: 100%;
    HEIGHT: 108px;
    COLOR: #7D5B38;

    Under the line BACKGROUND-COLOR add:
    BACKGROUND: url("headerimage.jpg");

    (“headerimage.jpg” will be whatever you named your image)

    Remember that the toolbars will be overlaying the image so design a graphic that lets them be seen.

    Hopefully I haven’t forgotten anything and this will get you going in the right direction.

    Silly me. Uncommented the line and still, no worky. Someone please look at https://www.the-fergusons.net and see where I’m off? I know I’ve uncommented the line, and the image is there (both in the root and theme /images directory).

    Hi s3pt1k,
    Your problem is that you don’t have the # in front of your headerimg line. Just insert that and you should be fine.

    Gosh! Thanks. ??

    a€??s3pt1ka€??What browser are you using to view your site?

    Safari 2.0

    Hi all. I too am having the same problem. I am using the Kubrick default. I have done the following 1) Created my own header jpg and loaded it into the Default template /images/ folder, 2) Edited header.php and removed the /* and */ comment delimiters around the statement: #headerimg { background: url(‘<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>/images/personalheader.jpg’) no-repeat top;}, 3) cleared my cache to be sure I wasn’t loading the old page.

    I am still seeing the original blue banner. Do I need to do something to the CSS file as well? Are there other parts of the file that need to be commented or un-commented? Thanks for any advice on this.

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