• A couple of the widgets I’m using have a header on them and I want to change it, or at least change it’s appearance. If you go to my site https://www.spencerteeter.com and look at the “Twitter” and “Gallery” widgets near the bottom of my sidebar you’ll see the grey header bar on them. I either want to

    a)remove it, or
    b) change its color to black.

    my theme is mystique

    Any ideas?

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  • Moderator t-p


    to change gray header bar (by the way, which is an image) to black, look for this inyour CSS:

    .block h3.title, .block h3.title span, .block .block-div, .block .block-div-arrow {

    change it to this:

    .block h3.title, .block h3.title span, .block .block-div, .block .block-div-arrow {
    Thread Starter spencerteeter


    thanks, that worked but the twitter one is overlapping my feed a bit…do you know how i can put my own image there instead?

    Moderator t-p


    actually that CSS elemnet controls both the “Twitter” and “Gallery” widgets.

    You may replace this current image with your own below:

    .block h3.title, .block h3.title span, .block .block-div, .block .block-div-arrow {

    But it will be displayed on both the “Twitter” and “Gallery” widgets.

    Which in fact may look good!

    Alternately, you may assing a new CSS element just to the “twitter” and call it in your sidebar “twitter” widget. That way you can control the style of the “twitter” widget separately.

    Thread Starter spencerteeter


    ahh ok thank you, i managed to get my own image there, but not all of it is showing up. it is cutting off the bottom of my image, do you know where i can change it so I can have a slightly bigger image there? its only supporting about 25-30px height

    Moderator t-p


    I am not sure if understand your question. It appears to be ok in FF.

    If you are talking about the twitter image, then take a look at this CSS element which cobtrols it (height, width, etc.):

    .block-twitter a.followMe {

    Thread Starter spencerteeter


    it looks okay, I just want it to be a bit bigger, doesnt matter how big of an image i put there it only shows up that much of it. i want them both to be about 10 pixels bigger in height..

    Moderator t-p


    I am not sure which image are you reffering to.

    Are you reffering to “ffgghh.png”?

    If yes, it’s current size is 310X45

    are you saying you want it to be "10 pixels bigger in height"?

    if so, your new height will be 45+10=55px.

    perhaps you want to resize the image with new dimensions of 310X55

    and upload it, see if that does the trick.

    Thread Starter spencerteeter


    i already did that, i originally had the same image at 310x30px and then made a bigger one that is 310×45 but it doesnt appear any bigger when i put it in

    Moderator t-p


    looks like height is controlled by some other property in other element.

    As I mentioned before, alternately, you may assing a new CSS element just to the “twitter” and “gallery” and call it in your sidebar “twitter” and “gallery” widgets. That way you can control the style of the “twitter” and “gallery” independently.

    Thread Starter spencerteeter


    how would i do that?

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