• Hi everyone,

    Can someone please help me how to change my title font to Lobster on my website? I tried changing it on the css stylesheet but it changes everything to Lobster..

    Sorry, css newbie here.

    Thank you.

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  • Best if you provide a link to your site so someone will be able to give a more accurate answer on how to do what you need.

    Thread Starter Phelle


    embarrassing… it is hippiedork.com

    So if it is just the H1 headings you want to change, eg, on your home page the title “A rainy Vancouver night”, you could do this in your css file:

    h1 {
    font-family: lobster;

    Thread Starter Phelle


    I would like to change the font of the Title “Hippie Dork” at the very top of the website. When I try to change it on the css stylesheet, it changes everything on the website. I am not sure which heading it is.

    Worse comes to worse, I may just have to stick an image there so that I do not have to change the font.

    Try using this:

    h1#site-title {
       font-family: ... ;

    Make sure you are NOT modifying any theme files – as your changes will be lost when the theme is updated. Instead you should be using custom CSS or a child theme.


    Thread Starter Phelle


    everything’s okay now, WPyogi! Thank you so much!

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