• Working on both a website and a blog. Until I educate myself more with coding and scripting (which I believe necessary for greatest configuration), I’d like to find a plugin that allows me to change the images within a given theme. I’ve done searches on here and via google, most posts are years old.

    Any suggested plugin, should also be able to make sure I’ve given proper credit to any photographer or whom ever owns the copy wright to any image I use.

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  • I don’t think anything like that exists. What theme are you using and what images are you wanting to use? If they are not your images, you have to find out whether you can freely use them or comply with any copyright or credit requirements the owner has – no plugin can do that.

    Thread Starter jayv2251


    Yeah, I probably didn’t phrase that right. If I purchase rights to an image, or use my own images, I need to know if a plug in will first of all change the theme I’ve decided to use, without (at this time) learning how to code that in. A reminder or at least a prompt to give credit to whom owns the image would be an added bonus.

    I’m running into the same thing when it comes to giving disclosure to readers when it comes to affiliate links and Google Ad Sense. This legal stuff is enough to make you wanna pull your hair out.

    Most themes don’t come with images – so you add your own via:

    I don’t know of any plugin that will handle image credit or copyright the way you are describing. You can often put any credit in the caption for an image – but that would typically be done when you upload the image or by editing the image after it’s uploaded.

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