• Hi to everypne i need a little help.I have searched forums,blogs,sites and others for a lot of hours. . I went to dashboard and then to general settings and change the wordpress url adress and the site url adress.After this i cannot logged in to dashboard(i do not tested if other pages except home page-static page worked).After i went to phpadmin of my host company and went to wp-options and change the url of siteurl(i wrote my old url.I do the same to another page(HOME) except siteurl and then my dashboard worked.I have read that it was a way to make your dashboard load again and it worked.Now i can enter to my dashboard but my pages of my blog do not load except from home page-static page(as i said before i have not tested after changing url if other pages except static page-home worked).Then i went to the guide and try follow only the steps of ‘if you have accidentally changed your url’.Then i should go to fillezila(i use this) and update my site(wp-login edit).Right?My name of site is bestptcmaniac so i should type this code after require..php

    //FIXME: do comment/remove these hack lines. (once the database is updated)
    update_option(‘siteurl’, ‘https://bestptcmaniac.com/blog’ );
    update_option(‘home’, ‘https://bestptcmaniac.com/blog’ );
    Right?I have done all these things but nothing worked.

    Explain me a little.My hosting company is one.com

    Plz help because i have been working to the blog 6-8 hours everyday for about a month.I do not have experience with blogging (only one month) so i need help

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  • There’s nothing we can add to that message. Check your database credentials with your hosts.

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