• MathiasKrostewitz


    Hey Guys,

    thank you for the great plugin, I love it! I am trying for days to change the navigation and put it under the friends navigation – w/o success.

    I got to the point where the following and followers tab shows incl. their counts as sub NAV – and I got the template proper loaded, but it always shows me that there are no connections established and no members are shows.

    I hope you can help me in fixing that?!

    Thanks a lot



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  • Plugin Author r-a-y


    Glad you like the plugin.

    Unfortunately, your approach would require refactoring a bunch of code in order to work.

    You would have to unhook the subnav tabs and re-add them. Plus changes to the template loader would be necessary.

    It’s not something I would support in the plugin.

    I would also rethink why your site would need both friends and followers. You should only really be using one of these components and not both.

    Hi, I’m also trying to get this to work.

    Having both friends and follow is very useful for the site I’m building. Its also not an unusual configuration, Facebook allows both after all.

    Any help on how to get the tabs to show in the friends section would really be appreciated. I’ve managed to get the tabs to show but cant get the content to show when the tabs are selected.

    Plugin Author r-a-y


    BuddyPress has a function called bp_core_new_subnav_item() that allows you to add a subnav menu item to an existing menu.

    Read up on it here:

    Use this function in tandem with the 'link' argument that is available there and pass the link to the user’s following URL.


    I have this but I’m not sure I understand the purpose of the link argument.

    Could you explain how it should work? So far I have the tabs under friends but the content for the following and follower tabs arent being displayed?

    bp_core_new_subnav_item( array(
    			'name'                => sprintf( __( 'Following <span>%d</span>', 'bp-follow' ), $counts['following'] ),
    			'slug'                => $bp->follow->following->slug,
    				'parent_url'      => trailingslashit( $domain . bp_get_friends_slug() ),
    				'parent_slug'     => bp_get_friends_slug(),
    			'position'            => $this->params['adminbar_myaccount_order'],
    			'screen_function'     => 'bp_follow_screen_following',
    			'item_css_id'         => 'members-following',
                'link'                => 'https://www.redstow.com/members/cultexposure/friends/following/'
    		) );
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