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  • You should goto >> youtube post >> import videos >>and click import all videos.

    OPEN PARSE.PHP in the core folder insider Plugins/Auto Youtube

    Max results = How many playlist / favorite videos will be returned
    Index = Were the videos import will begin, for example if you want video 10 on wards change index to 11. If you want to import over 50 videos you need to start the index from 51.

    Take note line 388 for me was the channel line, just below it was the playlist line.

    Following is the channel line

    if($t == 'channel') {
    		$tern_wp_youtube_feed = ''.$v.'/uploads?orderby=published&max-results='.$z.'&start-index='.$i;

    Following is playlist line just below it (dont need to edit if your importing from channel)

    elseif($t == 'playlist') {
    		$tern_wp_youtube_feed = ''.$v.'?v=2';

    Now your looking for'.$v.'/uploads?orderby=published&max-results='.$z.'&start-index='.$i;

    change it to'.$v.'/uploads?orderby=published&max-results='.$z.'?max-results=50&start-index=1&v=2';

    As i just said Max results = How many to return
    Index = Were the video retrieval will begin from

    I change the parse.php line described above every time i use the import function, so you need to backup parse.php and modify that 1 line when you need to import more or less videos

    I change the parse.php line described above every time i use the import function, so you need to backup parse.php and modify that 1 line when you need to import more or less videos

    Brilliant, thanks jemsz! I had this same issue. Only thing now, is when I added:

    $tern_wp_youtube_feed = ''.$v.'?max-results=50&start-index=1&v=2';

    My playlists cap off at 10 for some reason, but I’m pulling more than 25 videos finally. One issue after another lol. Let me know if you have any insight.

    Currently I have about 15 playlists, this is because i needed to have each playlist import into different categories.

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