Hi Jan,
generally, I totally agree – and just to be clear: I did not ask you for login details – I merely mentioned that the support staff you contact via wplab.com might to so.
That being said, without being able to log in to a (usually paying) client’s website, there would be countless issues left unfixed over the years. Especially when it comes to issues that are caused by 3rd party plugins or the server setup it would have often been simply impossible to fix something (read “improve the compatibility and stability of WP-Lister”) without being able to reproduce it on the clients site myself.
Some issues can be identified via screensharing – but others require even more, like FTP details. And I totally understand everyone who does not want to give them away – but the great majority of users appreciates a quick fix for their problem, rather than having to wait for a new version to be released. I would estimate that not more than 1-2% of my paying users share your view on this – but again, I can completely understand it.
But if someone thinks otherwise and provides login details to a company which produces a plugin which is vital for their business and they receive a quick hotfix within 24 hours, then that’s okay for them too. It has nothing to do with this forum and its policies regard this matter.
kind regards,