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  • Anonymous User 9782929


    Hi there,

    In chatbox/include/structure.php, change lines 38 & 39 to read:

    <a href="#!/lively-chat-support" target="livelychatsupport-iframe" data-href="<?php echo preg_replace('#^https?:#', '', plugins_url("lively-chat-support/chatbox/convos.php?open=")); ?>" class="livelychatsupport-close">—</a>
    <a href="#!/lively-chat-support" target="livelychatsupport-iframe" data-href="<?php echo preg_replace('#^https?:#', '', plugins_url("lively-chat-support/chatbox/convos.php?open=")); ?>" class="livelychatsupport-open">

    I’ve fixed in for the next release… but version 2.0 is coming out soon, which is a complete rewrite (and will work over HTTPS)!

    Thread Starter hurra03


    Thank you!!

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