I got the ajax-shoutbox plugin but I cant seem to be able to add it to a page (so i can make it bigger). I can use it on the left or right sidebar, but on it’s own page ??
I’m working on a hack for this. I’ll post back here shortly…
OK, here is the code. First, create a new page. You may enter some information at the top of the post if you wish. Wordspew will appear below it. Your page Title will be used in the conditional.
Next, modify page.php in your theme to include the following code:
<!--post with more link -->
<?php the_content('<p class="serif">Read the rest of this page »'); ?>
/* Insert the next two lines... */
<!--Conditional for inserting Wordspew in the page -->
<?php if (is_page('Your Page Title')) { if(function_exists(jal_get_shoutbox)) { jal_get_shoutbox(); } ;} ?>
<!--if you paginate pages-->
<?php link_pages('<strong>Pages:</strong> ', '
', 'number'); ?>