Thanks so much for that info but I can’t seem to make this work.
I have the following,
[checkbox Newsletter "Sign-up for our Newsletter|Opt In"]
and it generates the following code
<span class="wpcf7-list-item"><input type="checkbox" name="Newsletter[]" value="Sign-up for our Newsletter"> <span class="wpcf7-list-item-label">Sign-up for our Newsletter</span></span>
You can see it’s not giving the correct value of ‘Opt In’
I applied this same pipe declaration to a drop down box for US States
[select* Location include_blank "Alabama|AL" "Alaska|AK" "Arizona|AZ" "Arkansas|AR" "California|CA" "Colorado|CO" "Connecticut|CT" "Delaware|DE" "District Of Columbia|DC" "Florida|FL" "Georgia|GA" "Hawaii|HI" "Idaho|ID" "Illinois|IL" "Indiana|IN" "Iowa|IA" "Kansas|KS" "Kentucky|KY" "Louisiana|LA" "Maine|ME" "Maryland|MD" "Massachusetts|MA" "Michigan|MI" "Minnesota|MN" "Mississippi|MS" "Missouri|MO" "Montana|MT" "Nebraska|NE" "Nevada|NV" "New Hampshire|NH" "New Jersey|NJ" "New Mexico|NM" "New York|NY" "North Carolina|NC" "North Dakota|ND" "Ohio|OH" "Oklahoma|OK" "Oregon|OR" "Pennsylvania|PA" "Rhode Island|RI" "South Carolina|SC" "South Dakota|SD" "Tennessee|TN" "Texas|TX" "Utah|UT" "Vermont|VT" "Virginia|VA" "Washington|WA" "West Virginia|WV" "Wisconsin|WI" "Wyoming|WY"]
and this did not work as well. What am I doing wrong?
Lastly is it possible when using the include_blank option to assign it some text other than ‘—‘ something like select a state or location?
<option value="">---</option><option value="Alabama">Alabama</option><option value="Alaska">Alaska</option>
Thank You!