This post was about warning people to ask questions and check everything before buying the pro version, nothing else. Do not trust the advertised features, because you may find out, after you buy it, that they may not actually be available.
The feature we upgraded and paid for, and was advertised, didn’t turn out to be available in the pro theme.
I raised a support ticket on their website support forum, and was told, (and i quote)… “10 slides on the homepage slider is available for other themes. Panorama Pro doesn’t have this option”, I then asked why they advertised 10 slide, they replied “I think 5 slides is work fine for panorama theme”. These are not good replies to receive, I do not want to be fobbed off after buying a theme, I would like a solution straight away.
At this point, and only at this point, did I ask for a refund.
I then looked for, found and purchased another theme.
SKTThemes then said that they “would change that image” (presumably the image of false advertising image on their site – still advertises (as of 09.02.2016) TEN SLIDES!) and then they asked me for my WordPress username and password. For what, i do not know. I’m not supplying you with my WordPress Login, this has nothing to do with WordPress.
I am then told that a refund is not offered under any circumstances. I’m pretty sure that ‘not as described’ is a good enough reason for a refund. Well, fair enough, if that’s your policy, I can’t be bothered to fight you for $39. But what I can do is warn others to tread carefully when buying a theme from SKTThemes.
Lastly, the general public cannot see SKTThemes support forum, unless you have an account with them, it is not visible by default (shady?), so because of this, I am warning people, somewhere that they CAN see, to be careful.
I don’t need the pro theme for free, I’m not going to use it now or in the future. The internet is about transparency and trust. Poor customer experience.