• Hello,

    So I have a form with a simple opt-in to a newsletter.
    I need to send this opt-in value (ON on success) into another system and I do this via ajax.

    But I can’t get what i am looking for, a simple ON or :checked. I either get empty or the value/label text of the checkbox.
    I am looking for a way to check if the opt-in checkbox was checked from the post data.

    I am not using mailchimp or anything like that with a ready made solution, and I can not change the project like that.

    I need to know is there at least some way to replace the value of the checkbox without loosing the label as well?
    Now it just seems to have the label and the value as the same thing.

    Any suggestions appreciated!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by tiitus.
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