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  • This is just a standard checkout page ??

    This will not be a page you create manually, but something to be provided by whatever solution you choose to sell your stuff.

    You need to give more thought to what you’re trying to accomplish/sell overall, and not just the look of this single checkout page, as this single page may likely be a tiny (though important) part of the overall solution.

    Are you selling a ton of products (physical or digital) that need a catalogue to manage inventory, shipping options, and all the stuff that goes with a typical e-commerce store? You probably want to use WooCommerce, the de-facto e-commerce plugin for WordPress.

    Are you selling a handful of products and don’t need to manage inventory and whatnot?

    Are you selling downloadable only (no shipping required)?

    Are you selling recurring membership subscriptions?

    Are you selling access to online courses (e-learning)?

    I could go on and on, but I hope you see the point.

    While WooCommerce can power all these (and more), it may not be the optimal solution for every situation where you sell something on your website.

    So what exactly are you trying to accomplish with this checkout page? Can you provide more context to your question?

    Just posting to add that if you’re using WooCommerce already and you’re only concerned about the look of the checkout page, that should be the job of your chosen theme — though 3rd-party page builder plugins may offer additional design options.

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