• Resolved Vidyut


    The checkout page has a greyed out “place order” area with spinners and no orders can be placed. Disabled all plugins except woocommerce. Tried all sorts of themes ranging from twenty ten to storefront and others meant for woocommerce. Disabled the overlays and clicked on Place order anyway, getting “Syntax error unexpected token error” but I don’t have any other plugins active nor do I have ANY payment gateways active other than Bank transfer information. This happens with or without force ssl, with or without wordpress HTTPS active. It happens with ONLY woocommerce active as well with no minify or anything whatsoever.


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  • Hi,

    Check this sticky post for suggestions and next troubleshooting steps:


    Note, if you need help finding your sever error logs, your web host should be able to help you locate those.

    Thread Starter Vidyut



    I did read that thread, and it did not help. The server logs don’t show anything out of the ordinary.

    The greyed out area seems to come alive briefly, but reverts to being disabled when I enter some data in the address fields.

    I tried hiding shipping till address was entered, and even entering full address did not make it display, which indicates that the address being entered did not get recognized.

    I tried seeing the network responses and one of the ajax calls to update the page appears to return an html page. Not sure this is normal.

    Thread Starter Vidyut


    Other things i have checked:

    Memory – seems plenty – 256M – not many posts/products on site.

    Re-saving permalinks (both as they are and after changing to something else and back)

    Deleting and re-creating checkout page.

    Uninstalling and reinstalling woocommerce.

    Taking site directly to ssl instead of an ssl reverse proxy.

    NONE of the above fixed the issue.

    Thread Starter Vidyut


    oh, the site is at https://vidyut.info

    @vidyut you have a JavaScript error on your page(s). It’s failing on calls to ga() with an uncaught reference, so something is missing. Perhaps a Google Analytics problem? Try disabling anything that does stuff with that.


    Thread Starter Vidyut


    Already fixed. Made no difference to the checkout problem. Feel free to “buy” with full process to test. I don’t have payment gateways active, only bank transfer info. Just add “testing” in the note.

    Thread Starter Vidyut


    Closest I can figure out is that the json response seems to be returning a page instead of something looking like json. But can’t figure out where/why it is coming from.

    You’ve tried a ‘subtractive’ test – deactivating all plugins except woo, switching to a clean default theme – to no avail. As a last ditch, perhaps you should try an ‘addative’ test. Create a test subdomain, do a clean wordpress install, then clean woocommerce install. Create a sample product. test. Add your theme. test. Grab a DB backup from Production, apply it to the test environment. Test. etc….

    Thread Starter Vidyut


    Will try that, vark, Eventually I need to get the plugin working here. Seems to be a form issue. Something isn’t letting the form proceed.

    Thread Starter Vidyut


    Best I can make out, Network tab shows a call to https://vidyut.info/checkout/?wc-ajax=checkout that results in the checkout page as a response and gives the “Syntax error: Unexpected token <” error, because it is expecting json, not an html page. I’m no coder but aren’t ajax calls made to admin-ajax? My page seems to be making them to the checkout page itself – it is not cached. It is returning what woocommerce gives it.

    That means that there is a plugin injecting junk into the WooCommerce AJAX calls.



    Oh, and regarding WooCommerce and AJAX calls not being to admin-ajax.php, that’s a performance enhancement they made in the 2.4 release. If you don’t have page caching on that page, then it still comes back to a plugin (or your theme) injecting junk.

    Disable all the other plugins again and see what happens. I looks to me like something is “optimising” away the WooCommerce AJAX calls, perhaps stepping in front of them at template_redirect.

    Thread Starter Vidyut


    @webaware read above. All plugins disabled. SSL proxy disabled, zero caching anything, reinstalled WordPress and woocommerce, both default themes as well as storefront… is still giving me this ??

    Any idea where to check for potential interference?

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley (a11n)


    Not sure why you left a review before this thread was resolved.. anyhow your endpoints are not working.

    Go here:


    While this shows content and not a blank page with a ‘1’, its not working correctly. I suspect this is a server running NGINX and its not configured correctly (ignoring the query string portion of the URL). Check your permalink config within nginx.

    Thread Starter Vidyut


    None of the attempts at troubleshooting have even changed the problem in the slightest to hint at where the issue may be. Used nginx (with and without pagespeed, with and without SSL termination), mariadb and hhvm/php-fpm. All of them at latest stable versions, updated. Also tried with other browsers, laptops, mobiles, logged in, logged out, from device that has never been on that site before (to absolutely rule out cached page in browser…). None of these changes even made slightest difference to the issue. Exactly same result. The area remains greyed out. Becomes active briefly on entering new data – more like brief flash – reverts to being inactive. Consistently.

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