• Resolved Vidyut


    The checkout page has a greyed out “place order” area with spinners and no orders can be placed. Disabled all plugins except woocommerce. Tried all sorts of themes ranging from twenty ten to storefront and others meant for woocommerce. Disabled the overlays and clicked on Place order anyway, getting “Syntax error unexpected token error” but I don’t have any other plugins active nor do I have ANY payment gateways active other than Bank transfer information. This happens with or without force ssl, with or without wordpress HTTPS active. It happens with ONLY woocommerce active as well with no minify or anything whatsoever.


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  • I had this same issue, and what has seemed to solve it for me was to uninstall Jetpack. Not sure if that along with other configuration changes, I made did the trick, but something in Jetpack was, as you say, “optimizing” the page for me.

    My server guy told me that:
    the problem is NginX does not work with .htaccess file ??
    so i had to add the redirect rules manually to the server config file (NOT wp-config.php)

    He added there:
    location / {
    # try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

    Here is a short howto:
    How to convert Apache .htaccess file to NginX config
    Converting Rules that Enable WordPress Pretty Permalinks

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