• Hi

    For some reason on my client site, the checkout page is not showing Quantity left & right arrow to change QTY.

    This is on the MOBILE ONLY

    So therefore when the customer gets to the CHECKOUT page, they have to go into the square and DEL the QTY number and ADD in new number.

    Doesn’t look great.

    The PC version shows the arrow left and right for QTY button but on MOBILE it only shows the empty BOX for QTY to type in the number… rather than the button you see with the + – buttons on left and right hand side.

    HOW can I add them back in with some CSS code would be easiest to fix ?



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  • Thread Starter kristinubute



    Apologies ** I can’t edit the original title here sorry.

    RK a11n


    Hi Kristin,

    Thanks for getting in touch – The number input field (incl the arrows) are generated by the browser itself and isn’t something the WooCommerce has any direct control over (it’s the international standard for number input fields). I believe the reason for that is because the arrows are pretty small and while a mouse pointer is accurate enough, that accuracy is lost when using a finger as a pointer.

    With that being said, if this is a must-have requirement on the store, you could take a closer look at the following extension: Quantity Buttons for WooCommerce (these buttons use extra JavaScript that sits alongside the default number input fields).



    Have the exact same issue. Now I installed the suggested plugin, and it looks like crap ?? This is really frustrating because I sell online courses and they literally only need one, but when I put that restriction on purchases then the purchase button just loops them back to the product page if they already has the course in the cart, so that doesn’t work either.

    Hey, @kristinubute!

    I understand this is frustrating and we want to help you in any way we can ??

    Per WordPress forum guidelines, would you mind opening up a new thread for this so that we can keep things organized and offer more personalized support for you? We’ll be happy to help you out with this over there!

    Have a wonderful day!

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