• Hello

    We are using WooCommerce with InfusedWOO for selling products which is charged quarterly. Now for some promotions we need to allow discount for payment of 1st Quarter during checkout which amounts to the full charge of first quarterly Payment. Even though all the details are getting captured in InfusionSoft, but checkout page is showing error

    SKIPPED: There is no balance to charge.

    Is there a way to override this message and simply redirect them to thankyou page.

    Say Product cost is $100/ per quarter, and a coupon of XYZ applied during checkout applies a product/store credit of $100. So

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  • Able to fix this? I’m having the same issue this week.

    Thread Starter dipaksaraf


    What I guess the problem here is from InfusionSoft rather than WooCommerce. I was using infusedWOO, to integrate the cart functionality of InfusionSoft with WooCommerce, so whenever there is a nil or 0.00, the following message is coming up which might be from InfusionSoft cart.

    I had ultimately used a $0.01 to charge a card, didn’t find a neat solution though.

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