Hi @samrot,
1) Using the plugin “Checkout Field Editor (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce by Themehigh” should be enough. I tested it now to move or change the size and position of the fields for shipping and billing and it works fine.
Please notice it is expected that some steps will be skipped if the customer is logged in, or if the new customer has already provided some information on a previous visit to the checkout page. This is by design so that the user gets back to the step they have left at.
However, the contact/login step should still be shown with the option to “change” those step fields.
If you mean something different altogether, please send me more details and, if possible, a screenshot or video of the issue.
2) Same here… using the plugin “Checkout Field Editor (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce by Themehigh” to add the new field and make it required should be enough.
If the billing step has fields that are not present in the shipping address substep, those fields will be visible in the billing step below the checkbox “Same as shipping address” regardless if the checkbox is checked or not.
I see what you mean, in case there are no additional billing fields, the billing step is one more click that could be avoided. I added it to our backlog as a feature request, I update you once I have analyzed the possibility of implementing it.
3) For now there is no option in the plugin settings to do it, however, you can add this code snippet to accomplish it:
add_filter( 'fc_coupon_code_field_initially_expanded', '__return_true' );
Although, for most shops, it is not recommended to make the coupon code always visible. See my comments on this other support topic: