• Hi all,

    I am trying to create a child-theme for Hemingway. The settings do not appear to be importing. Is there a way to export the settings and import them into my child theme? Thanks!

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  • Hy JDRDezine,

    Have you read this -> https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Child_Themes

    This article contain’s all the information needed for creating a child theme.

    Hope it helps!

    Kind regards,


    BTW, most theme settings and options don’t carry over to a child theme – you need to redo them in the child theme.

    @wpyogi & @larsen, thanks. I work with JDRDezine. She did create the child theme, and it seems to work fine, but the settings didn’t carry over. I know that they normally don’t, I guess the question is more one of: is there a way to export the theme settings for the Hemingway theme? I didn’t see an interface for that, but was hoping maybe we were missing something, or that a plugin might be available that can handle that.



    Hy Michael,

    You should be able to copy the options file to your child theme folder
    (sometimes the options are created in the functions.php file).

    Normally every file can be copied to the child theme folder.

    Kind regards,


    Normally every file can be copied to the child theme folder.

    Don’t copy the parent functions.php file to the child theme – that will generally crash a site.

    Hi WPyogi,

    Didn’t knew that ( tough i just rechecked the codex and it stated it very firm).

    LOL – yeah, that’s kind of an important detail :)! We all keep learning new things around here – I know I do and that’s one of the things I love about these forums!

    Me to!

    But just to be sure…. all file but the functions can be copied without a problem ( sure hope this is true cause otherwise i will have to take a wordpress childtheme class ?? )

    I wasn’t talking about the default options, those carried over fine (or rather, set themselves fine when we activated the child theme). I meant the options stored in the database. Also, you do not want to copy over *every* theme file when creating a child theme. That defeats the entire purpose of creating one in the first place. You should only copy those files that you intend to customize, the purpose being to have your customizations survive updating the parent theme.

    Either way, after posting I found this plugin, which we are going to try and use tomorrow:


    Hopefully we can export the settings while the parent theme is active, switch to the child, then import them back. Will let you guys know how it goes afterwards.


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