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  • Theme Author MotionBlocks


    There is no child theme, feel free to create it. To be true, I am not sure why you need it. Block based themes can be edited directly in Editor and you don’t need child theme to change design of site or structure

    @motionblocks I created and activated a child theme of Blockpress using but for some reason the /wp-content/theme/ path still shows /wp-content/theme/blockpress/ everywhere in the frontend source instead of /wp-content/theme/childname/ .. Is this normal with FSE themes or does the plugin just create the child themes incorrectly?

    Theme Author MotionBlocks


    Child theme doesn’t change urls. Purpose of child theme is to overwrite functions of main theme. But, in fact that FSE themes have no php files, then, using child theme has no sense.

    The only one reason where you need this – if you want to make custom theme.json file and overwrite general styles of theme.

    Or if you want to add custom functions to functions.php (but for this reason, better to use php snippet plugin)

    I see. With the “old” non-FSE child themes it always resulted in /wp-content/theme/childname/ in frontend source code, so I was surprised that this isn’t the case with FSE child themes. I guess you don’t know of an easy way to change/cloak the theme directory name to make it less easy for people and tools like to see that my site uses Blockpress?

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