Child theme CSS is not working
So I created my theme with Child theme plugin after trying this method:
and still the child style.css doesn’t work.I tried to fix it with some search and nothing helps, but I think it’s somthing I’m doing wrong in my functions.php that works fine. please help me!
functions.php:<?php // Exit if accessed directly if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // BEGIN ENQUEUE PARENT ACTION // AUTO GENERATED - Do not modify or remove comment markers above or below: if ( !function_exists( 'chld_thm_cfg_locale_css' ) ): function chld_thm_cfg_locale_css( $uri ){ if ( empty( $uri ) && is_rtl() && file_exists( get_template_directory() . '/rtl.css' ) ) $uri = get_template_directory_uri() . '/rtl.css'; return $uri; } endif; add_filter( 'locale_stylesheet_uri', 'chld_thm_cfg_locale_css' ); if ( !function_exists( 'child_theme_configurator_css' ) ): function child_theme_configurator_css() { wp_enqueue_style( 'chld_thm_cfg_child', trailingslashit( get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ) . 'style.css', array( 'oceanwp-woo-mini-cart','font-awesome','simple-line-icons','magnific-popup','slick','oceanwp-style' ) ); } endif; add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'child_theme_configurator_css', 10 ); // END ENQUEUE PARENT ACTION /** * Add new social options in the Customizer */ function my_ocean_social_options( $array ) { // Telegram icon $array['telegram'] = array( 'label' => 'Telegram', 'icon_class' => 'fab fa-telegram', ); // Return return $array; } add_filter( 'ocean_social_options', 'my_ocean_social_options' ); ?>
/* Theme Name: OceanWP Child Theme URI: Text Domain: oceanwp-child Template: oceanwp Author: Nick Author URI: Description: OceanWP Child Tags: two-columns,right-sidebar,footer-widgets,blog,news,custom-background,custom-menu,post-formats,rtl-language-support,sticky-post,editor-style,threaded-comments,translation-ready,buddypress,custom-colors,featured-images,full-width-template,theme-options,e-commerce Version: Updated: 2020-11-21 13:32:49 */
Thank you :]
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