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  • Projutt are you still having issues with your CSS is everything else working?

    I am having an issue with the child theme as well. Hope this is the right place to post.

    While my CSS is working I am noticing that the java script files are pointing to the child them directory rather than the parent theme.

    Is there a way to fix this or do I just copy the files into the child directory?

    Spoke too soon. CSS does not work correctly ??

    Not sure if anyone still needs this or not but after talking to the developer I found out that there is a bug in file evolve/library/functions/functions.php, line # 102 it should be changed to:

    wp_register_style(‘maincss’, get_stylesheet_uri(), false);

    It should be fixed in the next update.
    Hope this helps someone

    I have also bee unsuccessful in making a child theme from Evolve. I am able to create a style.css file that correctly loads the main theme. However, the width attributes for the slider and the web pages gets all messed up. Is there some other file that also needs to be copied to the directory for the child theme? For the time being I will live with my edits to the Evolve theme and refrain from doing any updates. You can see the current version of the web site here.

    Hi I posted a work around here My Solution

    I was hoping the developer would have fixed this….

    Go to library => evolve.php scroll down to line 50 and comment out the if else statement below.

    if ( get_stylesheet_directory() !== get_template_directory() ) define( 'EVLMEDIA', get_stylesheet_directory_uri(), true ); // Shortcut to point to the /media/ URI
    else define( 'EVLMEDIA', EVLLIBRARY . '/media', true ); // Shortcut to point to the /media/ URI

    Now add just under it:

    define( 'EVLMEDIA', EVLLIBRARY . '/media', true ); // Shortcut to point to the /media/ URI

    That will fix it until the theme is updated again, that’s the only way round it as I can see.



    Can anyone confirm that Evolve Pro:
    * does not adhere to the Theme Development guidelines set forth by
    * does not automatically load child theme stylesheets or php files to WordPress theme guidelines and
    * therefore cannot be created using a Child Theme plugin such as “Child Theme Configurator?”

    If the above is true, are you creating your child theme through your ftp or have you downloaded WordPress to your computer and you’re making changes there?

    Is it possible to make a copy of my Evolve zip file, make a child folder within it and upload it as a new theme?

    Thanks SO much. I’m a newbie and have been sucked down the rabbit hole by this issue.


    Please fix this in the next update. I think this is a great theme but when I create a child theme the slider breaks.

    a great theme indeed and i too would love to see that fix.

    You need to copy the JS folder (from library\media), CSS folder (from library\media) and copy all the images in library\media to themes\your-child-theme…

    so that you will have:


    I hope that makes sense? It would be easier if the developer would fix the issue as updates to the theme might mean we are missing any changed CSS or JS.


    Thanks Colin,

    I appreciate that and I might look to use it, ideally as mentioned the developer can fix to ensure any future updates to the theme will flow on properly.



    Add me to the grateful group. Just used your directions to make the child theme work.


    I was also having an issue where i tried to create an evolve child theme following wordpress instructions (i am a newbie and this is my first child lol ^_^)

    but when i made the child theme the slider broke ?? the formatting of the site became a mess (the width attributes for the slider, the posts, sidebar was all wrong)
    the page loaded as one page with sidebar contents below the post :/
    the colors were all wrong (css issue i guess)

    well i followed Colin’s directions and everything started working and i thought all would be fine……….. except

    my font styles and color did not carry over, and they look a little blurred as if written twice one on top of the other?
    and i couldn’t change the font color with the color picker in customize any longer
    the evolve recent posts widget is broken :/
    the bar between the header and the slider (which holds the main menu) is the wrong color and i dunno how to fix it

    i spent some more time experimenting and trying to import files and play around with functions.php in child theme

    (note: i am a newbie have no idea what i’m doing)

    well if i change the functions.php in child theme to just <?php?>
    then all the proper colors come through and i get my font awesome fonts back! yay…. but the formatting of the header and footer is all off again……… :/

    i don’t know if it’s worth the time trying to figure all of this out ??

    i invested a lot of time trying to get my site to look exactly how i want it with this theme…. but now i just might switch to a completely different theme now

    thankfully i am new and i only had one post up ^_^ still a lot of work though :/ i guess its better to revamp now than later on down the line

    at least i learned to make a child theme right away
    thanks for the help everyone

    ok i’m back. just wanted to say it looks like my issue might not have been related to evolve because i switched to another theme and still had problems

    1. first off i tried to make a child theme following codex instructions because they said not to use @import for some reason, that pretty much broke everything
    -on my new theme i used @import and it was fine

    2.i continued to have issues where my child theme was not overriding the parent theme. very aggravating because i would change my child.css and the changes would not happen :/
    so… i spent countless hours trying to figure out what i was doing wrong. well finally i found the issue

    when i used dev tools in chrome to inspect the header of my site and clicked the reference to mychildstyle.css it showed me an older version of my css file not the one i had just updated
    huh? soooooooooo more countless hours and i finally realized that something was caching my child’s style.css file so the changes i made were not appearing automatically when i refreshed my site page!

    so i did two things
    1. got an extension called cache killer for chrome and emptied my browser’s cache file….. thought all was good but turned out that was not enough

    2. next i discovered that my HOST for my website caches everything <_< including CSS files! now this is actually a good thing i guess cause it makes your pages load faster for users but……
    this is obviously NOT a good thing while you are in the middle of developing your site! lol (probably you are laughing at me because i’m a newbie and did not know any of this, trust me it’s funny now but was pain while i banged my head at the computer for hours haha)

    so i disabled the so-called super cacher of my host at least while i’m doing the css changes and voila
    pretty looking site ^_^

    (hope that helps other newbies like moi)

    now… if only i could figure out how to incorporate google fonts….<_<

    Hello one question friend you have a knowledge about evolve theme because i need to add a 1 more content boxes to my home page its possible that you can help me?

    i’m sorry i’d love to help, but I am actually really new as well and ended up switching to another theme, maybe someone else can chime in and help? or try opening a new thread with your question?

    i am not quite sure what you mean by content box?
    sorry! would love to help if i could

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