• Hello there,

    I wondered if anyone could possibly help.

    I have downloaded the theme ‘Boot-Store’, and I am trying to use my own child theme. However, when I activate the theme within WordPress, I lose some of the formatting – i.e. the text becomes aligned to the right instead of to the left, the full stops and exclam. marks appear to the left rather than at the end of sentences, and the theme loses its compatibility with older browsers.

    The theme information in the style.css of my child theme is as follows:

    /* Theme Name: longleyantiques
       Theme URI: C://xampp/htdocs/longleyantiques/wp-content/themes/longleyantiques/style.css
    Theme Description: Based on the Boot Store Free Theme, but with a better layout
       Version: 1
       Author: Robert Young
       Author URI: https://robert.young1.org
       Template: boot-store
       Tags: grey, blue, white, ecommerce, flexible-width, responsive desigm
       The CSS, XHTML and design is released under GPL.

    Then I have tried to import all the CSS stylesheets:

    @import url('../boot-store/style.css');
     @import url('../boot-store/rtl.css');
     @import url('../boot-store/editor-style.css');
     @import url('../boot-store/css/bootstrap.css');
     @import url('../boot-store/css/bootstrap.min.css');
     @import url('../boot-store/css/ie.css');
     @import url('../boot-store/css/tcp_loop.css');
     @import url('../boot-store/editor-style-rtl.css');

    Is this sufficient, or do I need to move other folders such as the ‘js’ folder into my child theme folder as well?

    For now I think I will just tweak the parent themes css file and save 1 version as backup, until I get this to work.


    London, UK.

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  • Theme Author sur


    Theme Name: bootstore-mychildtheme
    Theme URI: https://extend.thecartpress.com/ecommerce-themes/
    Author: TheCartPress
    Author URI: https://thecartpress.com/
    Description: Child theme. Based on BootStore
    Version: 1.0
    License: GNU General Public License
    License URI: license.txt
    Template: boot-store
    @import url("../boot-store/style.css");
    Theme Author sur


    All other styles (rtl, ie, etc) are loaded in function parent theme.

    Best Regards

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