• Resolved MyMamaAdventure


    I have read and re-read all the posts I could find about changing a parent theme into a child theme. I literally need the step-by-step process. I’m not dumb about HTML and coding, but I’m very new to WP and do not at all understand the instructions in the codex or how to save a file as child theme to override the parent theme. At this point, I’ve added this in the coding (obviously, replacing my information where appropriate):

    Theme Name: Twenty Twelve
    Theme URI: https://mydomain.com/twenty-twelve-child/
    Author: My Name
    Author URI: https://mydomain.com/
    Description: Twenty Twelve Child Theme
    Version: 1.6
    License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
    License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
    Tags: light, gray, white, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, fluid-layout, responsive-layout, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, flexible-header, full-width-template, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, translation-ready
    Text Domain: twentytwelve

    But pretty sure I’m missing a step and as of now, I understand that I will NOT be able to do any theme updates until I figure this out. Again, a step-by-step process would be good, I mean child-theme for dummies process please! I’m sure it’s easier than I think it is, but I’m not used to WP and I’m so confused about the whole thing. Last time I asked, I got no response on this and Google has been no help. Thank you!!

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  • Thread Starter MyMamaAdventure


    I reactivated the parent theme for now, until I can figure out the Cpanel. I think that I put the folder in the wrong section of the Cpanel.

    Thread Starter MyMamaAdventure


    EDITED: Is there a way to delete unused themes within my dashboard on WP?


    If the folder is zipped on your computer, just upload it via the Dashboard –


    Thread Starter MyMamaAdventure


    That’s what I had originally done and you saw what the format looked like when I uploaded it into the dashboard. I just moved information around in the Cpanel and tried re-uploading the zip drive into my dashboard and now it’s saying “Theme install failed.” I’m not even sure what to do at this point. I feel like you’ve given me all the steps and I’m just not getting it for some reason. Maybe I should try contacting BH again?

    Thread Starter MyMamaAdventure


    Also says:
    Destination folder already exists. /home1/mymamaad/public_html/wp-content/themes/twentytwelvechild/

    I deleted the original twentytwelvechild theme that I uploaded before from my dashboard though.

    I’ve never used Cpanel so I don’t really know how or what you are doing with it. I always just use FTP –


    Use that to delete the existing child theme files and/or folders, the start again by uploading the folder for the child theme. It should not be zipped when you move it via FTP.

    Thread Starter MyMamaAdventure


    I think I have it figured out! I re-watched the video and realized I was missing the @import… section in the style.css file. It’s not entirely pulling forward all my current widgets, which is weird, but that’s an easy fix. Thank you for putting up with me this afternoon!

    Using @import is no longer the best practice – read:


    But if it’s working, it’s up to you if you want to use it or not. Won’t really hurt anything.

    BTW, theme options don’t move to a child theme – so yes, you have to reset you widgets and menu.

    Thread Starter MyMamaAdventure


    It was the only way to get it to work so I didn’t have to re-code all the formatting. I’m just glad I got it working! Thank you for your help!

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