Hi there. Have you managed to resolve this?
It could be caused by problems with the relative path of your parent theme. i.e. your child theme can’t find the parent theme’s stylesheet. Probably due to hosting file locations.
Rather than using “@import” in your child stylesheet, try enqueuing the parent theme stylesheet. This will ensure it is loaded at the right time.
You can do this by editing the functions.php (backup first!). You don’t need ftp for this, you can either edit directly in appearance, or in your test environment, then zip everything.
So in your case, try this code in your functions.php:
* Enqueue parent and child theme stylesheets
define ('PARENT',get_template_directory_uri());
define ('CHILD',get_stylesheet_directory_uri());
function child_enqueue_scripts(){
wp_register_style('child-style', CHILD.'/style.css','','all');
It seems like a lot to do, just to add a stylesheet, but it will help you do the following:
1. You can now delete the @import line from your child theme css
2. Remove any references to parent, or child theme css in your header.php
3. Gives you a framework for enqueueing other scripts and styles, including javascript.
You can read more about enqueuing scripts and styles here:
Hope this helps.