Hi Asgaros,
Btw, www.ads-software.com just reinstated my account this morning. So Love2PlayGames username is no longer exist for posting..
Anyway, nothing major but just do a bit of it…This is the what I had added. (Please see the 3 words i had bold)
echo ‘<div class=”topic ‘.$topic_type.'”>’;
echo ‘<div class=”topic-status dashicons-before ‘.$this->get_status_icon($topic_object).’ ‘.$unread_status.'”></div>’;
echo ‘<div class=”topic-name”>’;
echo ‘TOPIC get_link(‘topic’, $topic_object->id).'” title=”‘.$topic_title.'”>’.$topic_title.’‘;
echo ‘<small>’;
echo __(‘STORY-BY‘, ‘asgaros-forum’).’ ‘.$this->getUsername($topic_object->author_id);
// Show topic stats.
echo ‘<small class=”topic-stats”>’;
$count_answers_i18n = number_format_i18n($topic_object->answers);
echo sprintf(_n(‘Total Answered %s’, ‘Total Answered %s’, $topic_object->answers, ‘asgaros-forum’), $count_answers_i18n);
So, if I can put it in the child-theme? It will safe me a lot of time don’t need to redo again whenever I do updates.
Please advise help,