• Plugin Contributor Ryan


    Choice + Ad Inserter Plugin

    Blocking ads until consent a user has given consent. See the “How to show ads based on visitors’ consent?” section in their help documentation here. Showing you how to whitelist consent cookies such as the Google Advertising Products Cookie (euconsent-v2[vendor][consents][755]=1) and you also have to Make sure you have Dynamic blocks set to client-side insert – TCF v2.0 based cookie needs to be checked client-side (in the browser).

    * If you are still seeing 1.1 errors, you may also need to whitelist euconsent-v2[purpose][consents][1]=1 to check for Purpose one consent as well.

    Note: Ad Inserter has added some specific guidance related to Quantcast Choice on their help page, but any instructions pertaining to TCF v2.0 on should also be relevant for Quantcast Choice as we are a TCF v2.0 compliant CMP.

    Please make sure you have attempted to follow the blocking instructions provided by Ad Inserter (see above) before reporting Google 2.1a and 1.1 errors here.

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  • Dynamic blocks is a settings that applies to all the inserted blocks and it is set only on the general plugins tab.

    Dynamic blocks means blocks that insert the code based on some condition. This setting defines when and how this condition is checked.

    @spacetime : I was reviewing the adinserter configuration and noticed that the vendor id to be the same for all my ad providers.(Google,Shemedia)
    Should 755(vendor id of google) be replaced with 337(vendor id of shemedia) in the url parameters(shown below) for the blocks where shemedia ads are placed.

    euconsent-v2[vendor][consents][755]=true && euconsent-v2[purpose][consents][1]=true, euconsent-v2[gdprApplies]=false

    If the ads are from SheMedia, LLC then yes.

    @spacetime : Thank you!
    When I enabled label blocks to check if all the adcodes are inserterd properly I could see all ads within the adinserter block except for 1 shemedia bottom overlay ad for which also I have included the header script in adinserter block only.Have enabled remote debugging,kindly check and let me know if that ad is also inserted through adinserter correctly.

    Url : https://www.sharmispassions.com
    Attached screenshot for reference: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qsf-1JNUw4MDFBduSmCQzeYzX2dKzbD3/view?usp=sharing

    Which block should I check?

    @spacetime :Block No 11(Name : Blogher header script)
    This header script shows at the footer(with block) but am still doubting as there is no block highlighting the overlay ad as it shows for other ads.

    Block 11 is properly inserted.
    Only the inserted code is labeled (i.e. code in the block), not what the code inserts or displays elsewhere.


    please, do i need to use ads inserter pro or ads inserter free can still do its work?

    Is there a place you can use widget on ads inserter?

    Do i need to do same content for other ads provided?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by redsoccerinfo.

    @spacetime : Thanks for checking!
    Any reason why the overlay ad is not colored(green-red highlight) like any other ads when it is inserted properly?


    Free Ad Inserter works fine, Pro supports also immediate insertion of ads as soon as the consent is given (without page reload).
    You can only use widgets in widget areas.

    See my explanation above.

    Hello! I’ve been following the steps but I’m receiving 2.1a error ontop of that my ads are not being displayed at all anymore I can only see them displayed if im logged onto wordpress but if im accessing my website as a visitor they’re not showing up at all.


    You have javascript errors on the page including jQuery is not defined.

    Try to enable Wait for jQuery:

    @spacetime thank you! Ads are showing up again.
    In regards to the 2.1a error is there anything I should do or is it still from your end to be fixed?

    Those errors are not Ad Inserter errors.
    I can mainly help you regarding Ad Inserter settings.

    @spacetime :
    From your response : “Only the inserted code is labeled (i.e. code in the block), not what the code inserts or displays elsewhere.”Should I understand that the overlay ad also in inserted through adinserter properly?

    @spacetime @rbaronqc :
    The error counts are decreasing but the errors are being detected daily(last detected date was Sep 1st).So that means 2.1a is not resolved for me.Can you please guide where am I missing?

    @ibiza69 : Is the 2.1a errors completely resolved for u? Do you have google autoads enabled for your website? If so can you please summarise the updates you did to fix it?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by vsharmilee.
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