• Hello! Thanks for this plugin. I want something very specific. On the Create new doc menu I want to hide some categories like the parent one. Thats the first case that I want your help. The second case is that on the tags menu I want a dropdown so users can select which tag their doc goes to but for the tags that I have created and not be able to create new tags. Is that possible somehow?

    You will save me if there is a solution for those two situations. Thanks!

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  • Plugin Author David Cavins


    It sounds to me like you don’t actually want tags (which are crowd sourced and kind of fuzzy), you want a stricter category-like taxonomy. Try using this plugin to associate a new taxonomy with BP Docs: https://github.com/dcavins/bp-docs-taxonomies/tree/master

    You’ll need to create the new taxonomy using another plugin. In the above plugin’s readme I suggest a plugin for that.

    Thread Starter billakosgr


    That seems to be EXACTLY what I wanted to do! Thank you very very much.

    Some questions:

    1. Is it possible to disable tags from every place or a way to hide them from doc archive and create doc pages?
    2. Is it possible when a user creates a new doc to be able to add the doc only to one category and not being able to select multiple categories?
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