Hi @dagnic75,
Thanks for your post.
I can see there isn’t a built-in option to exclude a page. But we have a filter hook available. I’ve already written the code for you, and Please copy the code below and from your WP dashboard, go to Appearance => Theme File Editor.
Select the Theme Functions file from the right side and paste the code at the very end of the file. (kindly follow my screenshot)
Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/sdLi73j.png
Code to Copy:
function related_post_query_args_20200126($args) {
$postOrPageIDsToExclude = ['141', '142',]; // add post/page ID's you want to exclude
if(in_array(get_the_id(), $postOrPageIDsToExclude)){
return '';
} else{
return $args;
Note: On the code, you can see a variable called $postOrPageIDsToExclude. Just add the page ID that you want to exclude. And update the file.
Wondering where to find the page ID?
First, go to the Edit interface for your post/page.
Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/wD9KsYZ.png
And you can find the ID in the URL section.
Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/OzYqdnh.png
Let me know if it helps.