• pizzli


    I’m having a problem with https://taxlienagents.com/ and how it is displaying in Google Chrome. When I open the site in Google Chrome, the center Tab Area seems to cover the main text above it. If you take a look at https://img651.imageshack.us/img651/8869/taxliensite.jpg, you should be able to see what I am talking about versus when opening the site in FireFox. I tried playing around with the Z-Index, but that didn’t seem to fix it. The other issue that I seem to be having is with rolling over the buttons (“How to,” “Coaching,” and “Done for You”) the highlight only covers about 2/3 of the button, I think this is an issue with FancyBox.

    If anyone could give me any advice on how to fix this, it would be much appreciated.

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