• Hi there,

    I just installed this plugin and it’s very great. It works just perfect on my computer.
    But on my Android 5.0 with Chrome 74.0.3729.157 it doesn’t work and I get the following error in the browser console. On my Android only get the image fitted to the with of my screen and a big gap/space after the image (of 400px height). Below that there’s the error message: “Scroll left/right to pan through panorama.”

    This is quiet anoying ??

    Gyroscopic data unavailable. Falling back to cursor-based panning
    Source: jquery.paver.min.js?ver=1.1.4:1

    I guess, that the issue is related to Paver… Does anybody else also struggeled with this issue?

    On my Samsung Internet Browser on my Android it’s working fine, even though I don’t like that the gyrosope sensor is extremly sensitive.

    All the best,


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  • Thread Starter faeb35


    I got the solution by myself. By using the Samsung Internet Browser and debugging tools I got the following warning:

    [Deprecation] The deviceorientation event is deprecated on insecure origins, and support will be removed in the future. You should consider switching your application to a secure origin, such as HTTPS.

    The issue was, that I was using HTTP instead of HTTPS!

    Thread Starter faeb35


    Now I got my final solution…

    As I wasn’t happy with the gyrospcopic function anyway I modified the fallback function slightly by following this approach.

    I replaced the jquery.paver.min.js file with the original file from here. Then I added the following jQuery to the code on line 216, just after $t.addClass(‘paver–fallback’);

    $t.css('overflow-x', 'scroll');
    $t.find('img').css('height', '100%');
    $t.find('img').css('max-width', 'none');
    $t.find('img').attr('srcset', '');
    Plugin Author Leonardo Giacone


    Hi @faeb35, thanks for sharing your solution.

    The issue you are experiencing is related to missing gyroscopic feature on some devices.

    Anyway, I would not edit jquery.paver.min.js, instead use this css rules in an external CSS/JS file, to avoid deletion in case of file/plugin update.

    We can add the rules to the plugin itself…

    Thread Starter faeb35


    Hi Leonard

    Thank you for your reply!

    It’s not that the gyroscopic feature is missing on my android/browser. It’s related to the fact that the gyroscopic event seem to be only accessable by HTTPS according to the notes in the console.

    I guess that you’re totaly right, that it’s not the best option to edit the jquery.paver.min.js. So I choosed now the way to add it to jquery.init.js. But I think this would be overwritten when you update the plugin as well, right? What do you think would be the best option to add it to the plugin instead of the paver files?

    Here’s my current solution (jquery.init.js file).

      $( document ).ready(function() {
        // Shortcode init
          gracefulFailure: easyPanorama_localize_init_var.panorama.gracefulFailure,
          failureMessage: easyPanorama_localize_init_var.panorama.failureMessage,
          failureMessageInsert: easyPanorama_localize_init_var.panorama.failureMessageInsert,
          meta: easyPanorama_localize_init_var.panorama.meta,
          minimumOverflow: easyPanorama_localize_init_var.panorama.minimumOverflow,
          startPosition: easyPanorama_localize_init_var.panorama.startPosition
    	//by https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19401633/how-to-fire-an-event-on-class-change-using-jquery/19401707
    	var $paverBlock = $('.easy-panorama-block');
    	if ($paverBlock.length > 0) {
    		var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
    		  mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
    			if (mutation.attributeName === 'class') {
    			  var attributeValue = $(mutation.target).prop(mutation.attributeName);
    			  if (attributeValue.indexOf('paver--fallback') > -1) {
    					console.log('Paver is in fallbackend!');
    					$paverTarget = $(mutation.target);			  
    					$paverTarget.css('overflow-x', 'scroll');
    					$paverTarget.find('img').css('height', '100%');
    					$paverTarget.find('img').css('max-width', 'none');
    					$paverTarget.find('img').attr('srcset', '');
    					$paverTarget.parent().find('.paver__fallbackMessage').css('font-size', 'x-small');
    					$paverTarget.parent().find('.paver__fallbackMessage').css('font-weight', 'bold');
    					$paverTarget.parent().append('<figcaption>' + $paverTarget.find('img').attr('title') + '</figcaption>').css('text-align', 'center');
    		for (var i=0; i<$paverBlock.length; i++) {
    			observer.observe($paverBlock[i], {
    			  attributes: true
    	// Block init

    Initially I wanted to listen to the fallbackend.paver from paver event. But somehow I was not able to, if someone could help me out here, you’re more then welcome:-) So as workaround I added the mutation listener for mutation of the css attribute (adding of the class ‘paver–fallback’).

    All the best,


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