Hi @kfos
what’s exactly the issue?
Can you please enable the debug in wp-config.php?
Open wp-config.php that you find in the main directory where WordPress is installed.
Add these lines before the comment /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */:
define( 'WP_DEBUG',true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG',true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY',false );
Check that you have the lines above only once. If you already have define( ‘WP_DEBUG’,false ); replace it with define( ‘WP_DEBUG’,true );, but be sure you haven’t double definitions.
Then with FDP and WP Algolia Plugin both active, visit the pages where you have problems.
In wp-content/debug.log you should find some errors, please provide me those errors.
Probably WP Angolia Plugin is trying to run code that depends on WooCommerce that is disabled. If this is confirmed it means WP Angolia Plugin is not checking in the proper way the presence of WooCommerce before running its code. If after checking the errors we confirm it, if it’s possible I will give you a temporary solution, and in any case, open a thread with them.