• Hi,

    I updated to WordPress 5.6 today and now when I try to add Youtube video links the video does not show up as it had before. When I add video into Guttenberg it’s fine.

    I did the plugin conflict test be switching everything off. It turned out it seems to be Classic Editor itself causing the problem. I tested this by switching everything of except Classic Editor and the problem persisted.

    Further to this, when I try a different method of adding a video, eg adding embed code to the “text” tab, this does work, but then I can’t seem to return to the “visual” tab and I then can’t add any other content.

    I’m working with an old site. Switching off Classic Editor seems to cause problems in other ways, so I could do with finding a quick solution to this.

    Any help greatly appreciated.



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  • I am still using the Classic editor. You need to have the Classic Editor to do what I have said.

    I CANNOT EDIT using classic editor when I go to save my changes using this plugin, I get a white page with file not found hence my dilemma

    After updating to WordPress 5.6, I cannot place the Youtube embed code on my site. Most of the other old embed codes on my site don’t work.

    After updating to v5.6 the editor doesn’t work properly. Blank white space in the editor.

    I can confirm that no plugins or any other updates are causing this issue. I’ve isolated the issue to the WP 5.6 update specifically.

    Any idea if they will be fixing this and if so when ?

    same for me, blank page with the visual editor, text editor still fine

    Same issue here, blank lines with the visual editor, text editor seems fine

    I have the same issue. Block Editor doens’t work with 5.6.

    I rollback to 5.5.3 version.

    I hope to solve the issue quickly


    Hello Guys,

    I thought Id just let you know what I experienced with updating to 5.6 from 5.5.3

    1. There was a horizontal scroll bar unnecessarily rendered at the bottom of the browser window on the front end.

    2. There was an editing problem came out of nowhere in Elementor.

    3.Could not reconfigure menus (They would not drag and drop)

    4. The Customize browser in Customizr Pro stopped working

    I have rolled back now to 5.5.3 and everything is working fine, so things did not go well, as someone has already mentioned I was also thinking that some corruption of files may have taken place during the update for some reason or other, but I’m a gardener not a developer, so you can take my opinion with a pinch of salt ?? but in any case, I thought it might be helpful to let you know my experience. I am very interested in the way this problem is going to sort itself out. It seems that there is definitely something a miss with this update because every other update I have performed has gone through with no problems at all.

    Hope you all get this sorted, I’m sure you will given time, good luck all.

    Same here, only when turning off SeoPressor plugin the classic editor works ok

    The only workaround currently is the “Enable jQuery Migrate Helper” plugin.
    It reverts to an older jQuery version, and then the editor (in my case “insert from URL”) works again.

    Though this is not a permanent fix. I assume that this means the classic editor uses old jQuery functions, and since the WordPress team doesn’t update it anymore, it just stays broken. It’s not a problem of this specific plugin – as all this does is activate the existing classic editor that is broken. Any other way to enable the classic editor (e.g. via the functions.php) leads to the same problem.
    Not sure if we can alert the WordPress devs in a better place.

    One by one, I deactivated all plugins. None of that fixed the issue. I doubt it’s my theme – as it’s broken in the editor, which shouldn’t load my theme anyways.

    So I guess the WordPress team would have to update the code. But they don’t seem to care about the old editor anyways… so we’re probably stuck.
    I would love to hear I’m wrong, as I’m no expert.

    Hello @elza & @oxpal I just thought that I would let you know that I am now running 5.6 as I managed to sort out the issues one by one, in different ways.

    What I am left with now is a performance issue that I can’t seem to get to the bottom of. Unstable page loading speeds mainly on the home page. My guess is that this is a JavaScript thing, but I don’t have the investigative skills to sort it out as yet. It is frustrating and before the upgrade everything was fine. I just feel that things are a bit of a mess right now during this jQuery migration episode. If you use jQuery Migrate Helper or not, I don’t think that things are quite as they should be. I would be interested to know if you or anyone else are experiencing any performance issues since the upgrade.

    I have always relied on instinct because it has always served me well, it whispers quietly in my ear and I always listen. It says that the ride may continue to be bumpy for a while yet, until this jQuery Migrate episode has passed, and then things may settle.


    Take Care yawl.

    @ooops6 – I’m not aware of performance issues. If I de/activate the migration plugin, the admin section runs at the same speed as far as I see.

    BTW: I also switched my theme to the twenty-twenty-one, because the WordPress devs blame it on themes. But it doesn’t help. So at least for me it’s not the theme or the plugins.
    But since you had more issues, maybe it’s the case for you.

    @oxpal – Thanks for the feedback, regarding the performance issue, in my case, some of it was down to me having installed to many extensions in Chrome, and all running at the same time. I disabled them all and immediately saw a big improvement. (A point worth bearing in mind) So, the slowness that I was seeing was not what others would see. The performance of my site is not exactly as I would like it to be but nowhere near as bad as I thought it was.

    I did a test this morning on GT Metrix with a free account (Because with a free account you can set the Analysis Options before the test) I got an A with a Performance of 96% and for Structure 100%LCP 336ms – TBT 187ms – CLC 0.02

    The TBT is ever so slightly high, but I will settle for the above.
    I don’t have the problem with the Editor because I use Elementor, but I wish you luck in getting things sorted out.


    Old Graz



    Same problem here.

    Theme defines a custom page builder using ACF. TinyMCE-instances show blank visual editor. However, the problem occurs in Firefox only.

    What I did:
    1) Disabled all the plugins (other than ACF) -> no success
    2) Tried define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false); -> no success
    3) Downgraded WP to 5.5.3 -> success

    Thus, WP is the problem.

    Following, I successfully tried ‘Enable jQuery Migrate Helper’-plugin (thanks to @mattsay) using legacy jQuery-version.
    Note that, you will need to enable legacy jQuery-version (1.12.4-wp) using your-site.com/wp-admin/tools.php?page=jqmh


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Pat.
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