• Ok, I’ve gone through various versions of WordPress and I think it’s time to start cleaning things up. Below is my directory tree. Most everything ending in OLD should be deleted, but I’m not sure about everything. This is all backed up on my home computer so deleting won’t lose everything. I’m just worried about breaking any parts of the program. Especially plugins and hacks

    |-- weblog
    | |-- -images
    | | |-- icons
    | | |-- links
    | | -- smilies
    | |-- MyImages
    | | -- template7
    | | -- images
    | | |-- _vti_cnf
    | | -- alternative orange colour scheme images
    | |-- cgi-bin
    | |-- images-old
    | | |-- icons
    | | |-- links
    | | -- smilies
    | |-- stats
    | |-- template7
    | | -- images
    | | |-- _vti_cnf
    | | -- alternative orange colour scheme images
    | |-- wp-admin
    | |-- wp-admin-old
    | |-- wp-content
    | | |-- plugin_manager
    | | | -- tmp
    | | |-- plugins
    | | | |-- authimage
    | | | |-- moods
    | | | | |-- bears
    | | | | |-- classic
    | | | | |-- kitty
    | | | | -- mouse
    | | | |-- quote
    | | | |-- wp-admin-tiger
    | | | | -- wp-admin-tiger_files
    | | | | -- ol_admin_images
    | | | |-- wp-content
    | | | | -- plugins
    | | | | -- wp-admin-tiger
    | | | | -- wp-admin-tiger_files
    | | | | -- ol_admin_images
    | | | -- wp-plugin-mgr-plugin
    | | | -- put_into_wp-root
    | | |-- spell-plugin
    | | |-- tarpit
    | | |-- themes
    | | | |-- bullentinboard
    | | | |-- classic
    | | | |-- corkboard
    | | | | -- images
    | | | |-- default
    | | | | -- images
    | | | |-- everyday-trickster-weblog
    | | | | -- images
    | | | |-- lokrin
    | | | |-- noteBored
    | | | | |-- images
    | | | | | -- menu
    | | | | -- style
    | | | | -- images
    | | | |-- wp-default
    | | | -- xmas
    | | | -- images
    | | -- titleimages2
    | |-- wp-images
    | | |-- bgicons
    | | |-- icons
    | | |-- links
    | | |-- smilies
    | | -- sundry
    | |-- wp-includes
    | |-- wp-photos
    | | |-- blond
    | | -- sample
    | |-- wp-photos-old
    | | |-- blond
    | | | -- t
    | | -- sample
    | | -- t
    | |-- wp-style
    | | |-- UV
    | | |-- blue
    | | |-- blue-fade
    | | |-- blue_green
    | | |-- bullentinboard
    | | |-- friday
    | | |-- gemini
    | | |-- greydawn
    | | |-- lokrin
    | | |-- mochary
    | | |-- nebulous
    | | |-- newspaper
    | | |-- outback
    | | |-- sunset
    | | |-- toni_purple
    | | |-- trident
    | | |-- tuesday
    | | |-- vesuvius
    | | |-- wp-default
    | | |-- xmas
    | | |-- yellowstar
    | | |-- zen
    | | -- zengarden
    | |-- wp-style-old
    | | |-- UV
    | | |-- blue
    | | | -- bluedesign
    | | |-- blue-fade
    | | | -- images
    | | |-- blue_green
    | | |-- bullentinboard
    | | |-- friday
    | | |-- gemini
    | | |-- greydawn
    | | |-- lokrin
    | | |-- mochary
    | | |-- nebulous
    | | | -- images
    | | |-- newspaper
    | | |-- outback
    | | |-- sunset
    | | |-- toni_purple
    | | |-- trident
    | | |-- tuesday
    | | |-- vesuvius
    | | |-- wp-default
    | | |-- xmas
    | | | -- images
    | | |-- yellowstar
    | | |-- zen
    | | | -- images
    | | -- zengarden
    | |-- wp-themes
    | | |-- blue
    | | |-- blue-fade
    | | |-- blue_green
    | | |-- bullentinboard
    | | |-- friday
    | | |-- gemini
    | | |-- greydawn
    | | |-- lokrin
    | | |-- mochary
    | | |-- nebulous
    | | |-- newspaper
    | | |-- outback
    | | |-- sunset
    | | |-- toni_purple
    | | |-- trident
    | | |-- tuesday
    | | |-- uv
    | | |-- vesuvius
    | | |-- wp-default
    | | |-- xmas
    | | |-- yellowstar
    | | |-- zen
    | | -- zengarden
    | |-- wp-themes-old
    | | |-- blue
    | | | -- bluedesign
    | | |-- blue-fade
    | | | -- images
    | | |-- blue_green
    | | |-- bullentinboard
    | | |-- friday
    | | |-- gemini
    | | |-- greydawn
    | | |-- lokrin
    | | |-- mochary
    | | |-- nebulous
    | | | -- images
    | | |-- newspaper
    | | |-- outback
    | | |-- sunset
    | | |-- toni_purple
    | | |-- trident
    | | |-- tuesday
    | | |-- uv
    | | |-- vesuvius
    | | |-- wp-default
    | | |-- xmas
    | | | -- images
    | | |-- yellowstar
    | | |-- zen
    | | | -- images
    | | -- zengarden
    | |-- wp-uploads
    | -- wp-uploads-old

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