• magicmarkuk



    I have converted my Expression Engine site to WordPress and just have a couple of issues on post content that I would be grateful of some assistance with.

    Firstly, in some posts the following html code appears:

    <p><strong> </strong></p>

    which is causing an additional space which I don’t require. However, when I run a search on the wp_posts table from phpMyAdmin it doesn’t find it as I was going to then run the following:

    update wp_posts set post_content = replace(post_content, '<p><strong> </strong></p>', '');

    Secondly, some posts that were brought across have lost their html and the paragraphs are now ‘physically’ split on lines but should run together when output as html e.g.

    'Insolvency' doesn't always mean bankruptcy, though. There
    are various forms of insolvency that can help people in different situations,
    from IVAs (Individual Voluntary Arrangements) and DROs (Debt Relief Orders) to
    Protected Trust Deeds.

    outputs as:

    ‘Insolvency’ doesn’t always mean bankruptcy, though. There
     are various forms of insolvency that can help people in different situations,
     from IVAs (Individual Voluntary Arrangements) and DROs (Debt Relief Orders) to
     Protected Trust Deeds.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to pull these sentences back together without having to go through each post and amending in the visual editor.

    Also, whilst I am asking why do some posts in the html tab show html markup e.g. <p> etc whereas other including the example above don’t even after I add it and update?

    Many thanks

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