• I am unable to upgrade to version 3.4 using WPAU because of something left behind on the last upgrade. Each time I try I am invited to clean this something up before continuing, and each time nothing happens at the end of the process.

    “Seems you have not completed the clean up process from last upgrade. Please click here to run the clean up process before continuing”
    I click here

    “Great the preliminiary checks of your server is complete and WPAU is ready to roll. Click here so that we can start the upgrade.
    The first step will backup files, click here to skip it.”

    “The files been have been succesfully backed up. DOWNLOAD IT BEFORE YOU CAN GO AHEAD.
    CONTINUE ONLY after verifying that the files have been downloaded”
    Done that

    There is then a screen to start the DB backup
    I click the button and am then taken to the site that is being upgraded.
    NO update has been performed.
    What should I do?

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