• Place the following after “your email” line in the b2commentspopup.php:
    <label for=”url”>Your URL:</label>
    <input type=”text” name=”url” id=”url” value=”<?php echo $comment_author_url; ?>” size=”28″ tabindex=”3″ />
    Click on a smilie to add it to your comment!
    <script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>
    function emoticon(theSmilie) {
    theSmilie = ‘ ‘ + theSmilie + ‘ ‘;
    if (document.form.comment.createTextRange && document.form.comment.caretPos) {
    var caretPos = document.form.comment.caretPos;
    caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length – 1) == ‘ ‘ ? theSmilie + ‘ ‘ : theSmilie;
    } else {
    document.form.comment.value += theSmilie;
    theSmilie = ”;
    $newrow = 0;
    while (list ($key, $val) = each ($b2smiliestrans)) {
    if($prev_val and $val==$prev_val) { }
    else if(!$prev_val or ($prev_val and $val!=$prev_val)){
    <img src=”<?php echo “$smilies_directory/$val”; ?>” alt=”<?php echo $key; ?>” border=”0″ onclick=”emoticon(‘<?php echo $key; ?>’)” onmouseover=”style.cursor=’hand'” />
    if($newrow == 14) { //new row after specified number of smilies
    echo ‘
    $newrow = 0;
    $prev_val = $val;
    <label for=”comment”>Your Comment:</label>
    <textarea name=”comment” id=”comment” cols=”40″ rows=”10″ tabindex=”4″>
    End before: <?php } else { // comments are closed ?>
    Sorry, comments are closed at this time.
    <?php }
    } // end password check

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  • Adding & deleting smilies…
    Iv’e got the hacks for the clickable smilies working fine (thanks to those involved!), I’m struggling to add and delete smilies though. Under $b2smiliestrans in b2vars, if I delete a smilie it still appears in the lists for posting and comments, and if I add a smilie to the list and upload it to the smilie folder it doesn’t appear? I’d also like to experiment with this function for the filtering of swear words as mentioned by otaku42 in a previous post.
    Thanks for any impending help!

    Thread Starter southerngal


    thenewts: From a previous post on this page~For more smilies: You simply go into the wp-config-extra.php file and change them there. ?? You can remove and add smilies through that template.
    Anon/Roger, what’s your url? Why not register here? ??

    Ok, I’m registered. I should have been from the get go ??
    The URL is rather private. It’s for a friend who is going away for a while and she doesn’t want to have to send 100 emails a day to keep everyone informed of her travels. I’m not sure she wants the URL to be public knowledge.
    I have placed a comment on your blog, with my email for the URL.

    Thanks Southerngal! It’s so much easier when you know how! I don’t know how I missed the post as I’ve scoured this forum for info, but cheers all the same ??

    My smilies on the comment pop up page are working real fine ?? now I tried to add the clickable smileys on the post /edit template and when I click on them they’re not working they’re not even showing the :smiliename: in the box where you type your entry, I have changed the \ to back slash and did everything that laughing lizards said. ?? Please help me…

    Ok I don’t know what I have done but now I get this error:
    Parse error: parse error in /home/mnm/public_html/wordpress/wp-admin/wp-quicktags.php on line 8
    here’s the code of my wp-quicktags.php:
    <script src=”wp-quicktags.js” language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”></script>
    <script language=”JavaScript”>edToolbar();</script>
    foreach($b2smiliestrans as $smiley => $img)
    print ‘<img src=”‘.$smilies_directory.’/’.$img.'”
    alt=”‘.$smiley.'” class=”middle” onClick=”bbinsert(document.post,\’\’,
    \”.str_replace(“‘”,”\'”,$smiley).’/’)” \> ‘;

    Okay, now I added the original code and I can see a lot of smileys but they’re not clickable… I guess I didn’t understand what southerngal said about the back slash she said that we should change the \ to a back slash…. but I did it and when I save my file I get the error, I’m so confused…. this is a slash –>> / right? and this is a back slash \ so why did southerngal said that we should change \ to backslash when this is a \ backslash??? please someone email me the correct code…. I guess I’m having trouble with my browser? I’m using mozilla. ??
    Any help will be greatly appreciated, thank you. ??

    Someone should create a wiki page for this hack, https://wiki.www.ads-software.com/ .

    The WPHacks page has been updated and sorted. This is the links to all the mods…are you saying that you would like to see each mod with its own page?

    I love the smilie hack, but when I put it in I went from valid XHTML 1.1 to 81 errors!! Ouch!

    Easily got it down to 1 error:
    Line 113, column 94: there is no attribute "name" (explain...).
    ... method="post" id="commentform" name="commentform">

    If I remove the attribute “name”, it doesn’t insert the smilie code into the comment box. Don’t you love javascript! ??

    Thread Starter southerngal


    Ok, now I can release this. Please make sure you check out the thread here, FIRST.
    Then, go here:
    Smilies Pop Up Comments.txt
    Smilies In Line Comments.txt

    I have a version of SG’s hack running that validates XHTML 1.1 if anyone is interested.

    Does anyone have the smilie hack working on the post screen? I get…
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/u1/npmomrik/html/wp-admin/quicktags.php on line 4
    I’ve tried both LL and SG’s versions.
    And I’m a bit confused like [dulcechick] above…why do you say change \ to backslash? It is a backslash.

    Got it!!
    If you use the hack for putting smilies in the post page, made sure to change the variable name from ‘b2smiliestrans’ to ‘wpsmiliestrans’.

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