• Resolved rosbiffer


    On a multipage form when I complete the first page and click next the second page loads but focus goes to the bottom of the page so the user doesn’t see the fields on the second page

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  • Plugin Support RegistrationMagic Support


    Hi @rosbiffer,

    Could you please add the following custom JS code on your site and let us know if this resolves the problem…

    jQuery(".rm_next_btn").on("click", function(e) {
    ??????????? jQuery("html, body").scrollTop(jQuery("#rmagic-progressbar").offset().top);

    Like the previous design issue you reported, this issue is also not occurring on our end. So we are assuming this is a conflict with your site theme.

    Plugin Support RegistrationMagic Support


    Due to lack of further response, we are closing this topic.

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