Hi @obedii21,
Sorry, I didn’t see your message at first. I’d recommend making a new thread in the future to make sure we see it quickly.
It looks like your theme has some code that controls the scroll to the element. I’m seeing this in your theme’s custom js file:
var at_offset= $.attr(this, 'href');
var id = at_offset.substring(1, at_offset.length);
if ( ! document.getElementById( id ) ) {
if( $( at_offset ).offset() ){
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $( at_offset ).offset().top-$('.at-navbar').height()
}, 1000);
The problem with this sort of code and the hidden tabs is that the offset() of a hidden element is 0, which ends up scrolling you to the top of the page.
If this code was specific to the tabs, I’d recommend grabbing the parent element’s offset (as it will be visible). Since this code is applying to all anchor tags, that may not work very well.
If you want that scrolling animation to still work, you’ll want to update the $('a[href*="\\#"]')
to ignore tabs, then create another click event for tabs specifically that uses $( at_offset ).parent().offset()
If you just want to fix the broken scroll, you could update the fail condition to exclude tabs, like this:
if ( ! document.getElementById( id ) || id.startsWith('tab') ) {
Let me know if that helps,