Client logo messed up
I’m using Biznez lite theme. There are logos appearing that aren’t mine. How do I get rid of them? Also, mine are not clear, I used 65×65 size. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Also, is there any way to get rid of the arrows that show up across the front of the slider when in normal view? The are right in the middle of the picture.
Sorry its
UGH…cant type today! Here is the actual link to the site that I’m having issues with..
Hi, I was trying to see the site but it′s not loading, copy and paste the address.
Hi, you need to change the CSS, I did it using Inspect Element to see which elements needs to change, look:
This one is for the arrows. the inspect element function of your browser to see what is causing the problems in order to make the changes.
Ok, do you have the codes that I need to change. I have no idea what you mean here but the screen shots are how I want it to look.
Sorry, I’m not a skilled code person. I don’t know how to find problems using inspect element. I can get there but have NO idea what I’m looking at. I really have no clue on how to make changes based on what you told me. Sorry. Any further help would be greatly appreciated.
I think that it might be in the my_style.css look for:
#content img -> change height from 205px to 65pxThis will going to change the logo as well because the img element is in both files.
And then in the file orbit-1.3.0.css look for the line that start with:
span.right and change the value right to 0px then look for span.left and change the value left to 0px and value top to 194px.Thanks! Was able to change the pics in the clients area. But I dont have a orbit 1.3.0 CSS file. Could it be in something else for the slider arrows?
You can find that file in the plug in folder jQuery Orbit Plugin 1.3.0, and there you need to change those values in the section DIRECTIONAL NAV.
Let me know if you need any more help with this issue, or mark the post as resolved if it’s working.
I only have these files with any of the names you gave me
But I don’t see any span.right in either one
Here is the jquery file code is it something in here??
<?php global $shortname; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> //Jcarousel jQuery (function($){ $.fn.sketchslider = function(config){ var defaults = { 'autoscroll': 0, 'slides' : '3', 'delay' : '6000', 'tspeed' : '1000', 'hoverpause': 1 }; var base = this, sktslider = {}, startCycle, obj = $(this), objWrap = obj.find('ul.skt-slider-wrap'); this.sktslider_initShow = function() { sktslider.options = $.extend({}, defaults, config); //Declare required vb's var slide = obj.find('li.skt-slide'), count = slide.length, slideWidth = obj.find('li.skt-slide:first').outerWidth(true), slideHeight = obj.find('li.skt-slide:first').outerHeight(true), tSlidesW = (count*slideWidth), vSlides = sktslider.options.slides * slideWidth, stopPosition = tSlidesW - vSlides, startSlider,nextnav,prevnav; //set css for obj's element obj.css({'position':'relative','overflow':'hidden','width':vSlides,'height':slideHeight,'text-align':'center'}); objWrap.css({'height':slideHeight,'position':'relative','left':0,'width':tSlidesW,'visibility':'visible'}); // auto play function function startSlider(){ startCycle = setInterval(function(){ if(objWrap.position().left > -stopPosition && !":animated")) objWrap.animate({left: "-=" + slideWidth},sktslider.options.tspeed); else objWrap.animate({left: 0},sktslider.options.tspeed); }, sktslider.options.delay); } controlSlider = function(){ clearInterval(startCycle); if(sktslider.options.autoscroll){ startSlider(); } } //bulid navigation if(count > 1){ obj.after('<div class="skt-slide-controls"><a href="void(0)">Prev Slide</a><a href="void(0)">Next Slide</a></div>')'div.skt-slide-controls').css({'margin':'0 auto','width':vSlides}); nextnav ='div.skt-slide-controls').find('a.skt-next-slide'); prevnav ='div.skt-slide-controls').find('a.skt-prev-slide'); prevnav.on('click',function(){ if(objWrap.position().left < 0 && !":animated")) objWrap.stop().animate({left: "+=" + slideWidth},sktslider.options.tspeed); else objWrap.stop().animate({left: -stopPosition},sktslider.options.tspeed); controlSlider(); }); nextnav.on('click',function(){ if(objWrap.position().left > -stopPosition && !":animated")) objWrap.stop().animate({left: "-=" + slideWidth},sktslider.options.tspeed); else objWrap.stop().animate({left: 0},sktslider.options.tspeed); controlSlider(); }); if(sktslider.options.autoscroll){ startSlider(); } } //pause on hover if(count > 1 && sktslider.options.hoverpause){ objWrap.hover(function(){ clearInterval(startCycle); },function(){ startSlider(); }); } } //Reload the current slideshow this.reloadShow = function(options){ if (options != undefined) config = options; base.sktslider_destroyShow(); base.sktslider_initShow(); } //Destroy the current slideshow this.sktslider_destroyShow = function(){ // stop the auto show clearInterval(startCycle); // remove any controls / pagers that have been appended $('.skt-slide-controls').remove(); $('.skt-slide-controls',obj,objWrap).removeAttr('style'); } return this.each(function(){ base.sktslider_initShow(); }); }; })(jQuery); var sktslider; jQuery(document).ready(function(){ //call Jcarousel jQuery sktslider = jQuery('#skt-slider').sketchslider({ 'autoscroll':<?php if(sketch_get_option($shortname.'_show_auto')) { echo sketch_get_option($shortname.'_show_auto'); } else{ echo '0';}?>, 'slides':'4', 'delay': <?php if(sketch_get_option($shortname.'_janimation')) { echo sketch_get_option($shortname.'_janimation'); } else{ echo '1000';}?>, 'tspeed' : <?php if(sketch_get_option($shortname.'_tspeed')) { echo sketch_get_option($shortname.'_tspeed'); } else{ echo '1000';}?>, 'hoverpause': <?php if(sketch_get_option($shortname.'_hide_jcnavigation')) { echo sketch_get_option($shortname.'_hide_jcnavigation'); } else{ echo '0';}?> }); }); jQuery(window).bind('orientationchange', function(event) { //call Jcarousel jQuery sktslider.reloadShow({ 'autoscroll':<?php if(sketch_get_option($shortname.'_show_auto')) { echo sketch_get_option($shortname.'_show_auto'); } else{ echo '0';}?>, 'slides':'4', 'delay': <?php if(sketch_get_option($shortname.'_janimation')) { echo sketch_get_option($shortname.'_janimation'); } else{ echo '1000';}?>, 'tspeed' : <?php if(sketch_get_option($shortname.'_tspeed')) { echo sketch_get_option($shortname.'_tspeed'); } else{ echo '1000';}?>, 'hoverpause': <?php if(sketch_get_option($shortname.'_hide_jcnavigation')) { echo sketch_get_option($shortname.'_hide_jcnavigation'); } else{ echo '0';}?> }); }); </script>
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Hi, no is not here, go to the plugin folder and look for the CSS file.
Do you have FTP access?yes, I do. I’ll look for it there. Once there I just make the changes you mentioned above?
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