• I write a number of blog posts that are often very similar – for example I write up the five songs my iPod played to me on shuffle each morning as a seperate post.

    There are elements within this page I need to copy across like a banner image and tags.

    It would be great if I had an option to ‘clone’ a previous post.

    Maybe in the form of a button on a post page – so I open the last ipod tracks post, push the clone button and it creates a whole new post with a whole new ID but with all the same content – I can then just go and change the text.

    So the question I’ve got really is ‘is this possible?’ and if it is on a scale of 1-10 what level of coding abillity would I need to create it?

    If it’s anything above 3 is there anyone else that’s a better coder that might also want this feature who could help me?

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