Hi @micfo
This is occurring because you seem to be having another lightbox enabled.
Basically, what is happening is that when you click on an image on your site, it is opened in two different lightboxes at the same time. FooBox lightbox is on top and then there’s the second lightbox that’s below it. So when you do click on the overlay, you do close the FooBox lightbox, however, the second lightbox which also opened the image earlier, now displays the image.
To resolve this issue, you will have to disable the other lightbox. I highly suspect that the lightbox is most likely an in-built lightbox that came with the theme. Here’s a guide on how to disable the OceanWP lightbox: https://docs.oceanwp.org/article/464-disable-the-lightbox-scripts
Alternatively, FooBox does have a setting that can disable the other lightboxes currently active on the site. To activate it, navigate to the “Advanced” tab in FooBox’s settings, and check the following setting “Disable Other Lightboxes”. Here’s a guide on this feature and how to use it: https://fooplugins.com/documentation/foobox/troubleshooting/other-lightbox-showing/
Kind regards,