Hi @couchfortkid
I hope you’re well today!
After doing a scan via the Cloud-based service (in order to avoid using own server resources), can the links be tended to by switching to the local version?
You can switch between cloud and local engines at any time but the scans are independent and results are not carried over between them. It’s pretty much like having two separate, independent plugins under a single menu and name but that’s it.
Once you switch to local version you will need to configure it to let it know what links and where it should check and let it check them. On the other hand, there should be – at least in most part, depending on local engine configuration – same links appearing on the list so then you can manage them there.
If this is possible, is the website’s IP no longer hidden?
“Less chance of being blocked – The cloud-based engine doesn’t use your site’s IP address to check external URLs, meaning you’re less likely to be blocked due to frequent requests.”
The point here is that when you use local engine, all the checks are made directly from your site.
Plugin finds the links on your site and then makes HTTP GET requests to each of them to check HTTP response. All those requests are made from your site so your site/server IP is the one that would be seen by checked sites.
If there’s a lot of such requests (e.g. you have a lot of links to the same service) that may indeed result in some automated lockouts on the “checked” end.
But as mentioned earlier – the scan results are not carried over between “local” and “cloud” engines (neither way) so after switching to have up to date list you need to run a new scan using the version that you switched to. If you switch to local and run scan, it means checks from your site and your site’s IP.
Furthermore, local version by default is set to re-check each detected link every, I think, 72 hours additionally so those checks/requests will be repeating.
Kind regards,