• Well this is a work in progress…
    and this takes slight modifications to core events-manager.js

    So with note: Modifying Core Files is NOT Supported and when you have updates you will need to re modify those files.

    So if you would like to participate in this project started here…

    Post there or here… but this is what it looks like now and is about 97% complete.
    Maybe a “tutorial forth coming”… but this is an “experienced” level project.
    And I may, or may not have time to answer specific questions.
    But ! a great feature possible.
    Hopefully the image will be posted…
    Cluster Maps

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  • Hey ??
    I used a width=”100%” in the shortcode. That sounds good if you want a slider-like map. I also changed icons, inspired by gmap doc by adding like this :

    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({'position': latLng,
                                                                        icon: {url: '/wp-content/themes/mytheme/images/marker.png',
                                                                               scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(50, 50)}});

    scaledSize is for resizing icon when too big.

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