• Resolved nivlac


    We recently decided to try out the CM Tooltip Glossary plugin on our wordpress site. We’re considering upgrading to the Pro or Pro+ version, but would like to know where the setting is to noindex the glossary word pages. Yoast SEO indicates that the CM Tooltip plugin is set to index all pages by default and we want to change this.

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  • Plugin Author CreativeMindsSolutions


    You can restrict indexing the index page or specific posts or all the posts using Yoast like you do with any other post. Either by choosing the custom posts you want to restrict in Yoast settings or by checking each post separately in Yoast setting per each post

    Thread Starter nivlac


    The glossary we’re creating will ultimately have upward of 5000+ entrees and having to manually restrict indexing is a serious time consuming activity. That’s rather unfortunate if we have to manually restrict indexing on every page.

    Not having an option in the settings somewhere to restrict/allow indexing of all pages is a serious drawback of the plugin. We’ll have to continue looking for other options for our glossary management system.

    Plugin Author CreativeMindsSolutions


    Sorry If my answer was not clear. Of course you can restrict indexing all the pages

    The glossary is using a custom post type. In Yoast you can restrict indexing by limiting it to specific post types and in such way you can leave out all the glossary items from being indexed

    If you choose to still index specific post you can still override it on each post using Yoast metabox section

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