CMYK PDFs don’t get converted to RGB thumbnails
Hi Mizuho,
maybe I found a little bug. I’m trying to get thumbnails for CMYK PDF files. Your great plugin creates those thumbnails but not with the “-profile” function from imageMagick. So that image colors are not that good. I know your plugin tries to find out if the PDF is in CMYK and then adds the “-profile” part to the convert command. But in your pdf-image-generator.php on line 435 it checks the wrong file:
On line 434 it says:
$get_color = exec( "identify -format '%[colorspace]' {$file_url}", $output, $return );
But the variable “$file_url” isn’t the original pdf file url. It’s the new jpg file url.
The correct code should be:
$get_color = exec( "identify -format '%[colorspace]' {$file}", $output, $return );
Please correct me if I’m wrong.
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