Here’s a WHOIS lookup of your domain:
1) Your domain’s official Registrar is Tucows, but purchased via Google Domains (a Tucows reseller).
2) Your domain uses Siteground’s nameservers. You configured these Siteground nameservers in Google Domains.
We didn’t switch to Default Name Server tab in Google domains where we can add custom DNS record because that might just break your WordPress site.
As your domain uses Siteground’s nameservers, you need to go to Siteground to manage all DNS records for your domain. You can’t do this in Google domains unless you use their nameservers.
I request you to work with WordPress support and ask them to be able to switch to Default Name Server tab(on google domains) with all the required entries intact so that the actual website keeps running.
As I mentioned earlier, WordPress has absolutely nothing to do with this.
As Siteground is your domain’s authoritative nameserver, Siteground controls the keys to the kingdom (so to speak), and only Siteground support that can help with any DNS-related issues for your domain.
What are the CNAME settings to use for Microsoft 365 that will not bring my website down? How do I contact WP support for assistance?
This one has to come from Microsoft.
1) First, retrieve your correct record(s) from your Microsoft 365 portal dashboard.
2) Then, go to your Siteground DNS manager and add the specific record(s) you retrieved from your Microsoft 365 portal.
Note that the correct CNAME
record may be specific to your domain, so don’t use any random thing you find on the Internet. Only use what you find in your own Microsoft 353 portal account. If you don’t know how to retrieve this, contact Microsoft 365 support.
Feel free to ask any clarifying questions, but note that no one here can do anything fo you directly — other than offer you advice.
Standing by for feedback.