• 10Ten


    RE: dbacu.com
    My WP install was fine until i just did an automatic prompted WP upgrade. All the plugins/themes were up to date before upgrading WP. The upgrade was “successful” and reported no problems. However:
    1 – after upgrading ALL my pages have a massive code dump at the bottom that appears to show content of ALL my pages. even my dashboard page has this dump. this occurred exactly after upgrading WP ten minutes ago, the site was fine before that.
    2 – after upgrading WP reports that i’m using a “nightly build” although i did not choose such an option. so i upgraded again to the latest version, it was “successful”, and i get the same message to update because of using a nightly build.

    i cannot find any mention of this, can anyone help please?

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  • Geezerjim


    I’m afraid we’ve reached the end of my limited abilities. I hope someone else reading this can provide some additional help. I wish I could be of further assistance.



    I don’t mind the menu appearing, but the debug info is full of validation errors – which makes testing other things a little difficult.

    So rather than remove the admin bar entirely, it is possible to just stop the debug info from being added to your page. obviously you’ll need to deactivate this at some point to check if it’s working. but this is the short plugin to achieve it:

    Plugin Name: admin bar debug off
    Plugin URI: https://www.ads-software.com/#
    Description: quick fix
    Author: Rich
    Version: 0.0.1
    Author URI: https://elfden.co.uk
    add_filter('wp_admin_bar_enable_debug_menu', 'stop_admin_bar_enable_debug_menu');
    function stop_admin_bar_enable_debug_menu(){
    	remove_action( 'wp_after_admin_bar_render', 'wp_admin_bar_query_debug_list' );
    	return false;

    Obviously it could also be added to your active theme’s function file, but is probably better as a plugin.



    Created the php, zip, worked like a charm, THANK YOU!

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