Dear Mvandiermen,
I am also facing difficulties with this plugin…
My test page is :
The custom content that is to appear is located towards the end of the page, under the big price mention in dollars. Under it there should be a para with the display of the equivalent amount in the local currency of the user.
Here is my code
[CBC show="y" country=“at,be,cy,ee,fi,fr,de,gr,ie,it,lv,lt,lu,mt,nl,pt,sk,si,es“]equivalent to
<strong> 49.00 €</strong> or more
in your location[/CBC]
[CBC show="y" country=“au“]equivalent to
<strong> A$ 74.00</strong> or more
in your location[/CBC]
[CBC show="y" country=“br“]equivalent to
<strong> R$ 189.00</strong> or more
in your location[/CBC]
[CBC show="y" country=“gb“]equivalent to
<strong> £ 44.00</strong> or more
in your location[/CBC]
[CBC show="y" country=“ca“]equivalent to
<strong> C$ 74.00</strong> or more
in your location[/CBC]
[CBC show="y" country=“cl“]equivalent to
<strong> CLP$ 39.00</strong> or more
in your location[/CBC]
[CBC show="y" country=“cn“]equivalent to
<strong> 399.00 ¥</strong> or more
in your location[/CBC]
[CBC show="y" country="us"]name your price ![/CBC]
The result is quite unreliable… Works in France well, works in the US also… but the other countries tagged here either show the line for the US, or no line at all… including a strange behaviour with the line for the Euro-zone countries : the code that lists for instance together France and Italy, works in France but not in Italy… !
I have gotten those results by testing on proxy sites for each of these countries, and also by asking friends who live in those different countries to check.
Would you be able to notice any mistake in my coding ? Maybe too many codes ?
Is it perhaps, that for every clause with show="y"
for country X, I should add the same code with show="n"
for all countries but X, even if those countries have their own code show="y"
I have set the plugin settings as you suggested.
I also tested the same codes with the alternative plugin “Country Filter”, which uses a very similar shortcodes, and there too, irregular results : working in a few countries, and not in most.
Thanks for your help !